The Gin & Tonic is an iconic drink that stood the test of the 20th century and still stands tall as one of the most refreshing gin-driven cocktails. But the question remains: how can you take something so simple, yet so beautiful, and elevate it to a new level?
The Liquid Gold Gin and Tonic is our take on a classic G&T using our Liquid Gold Turmeric Bitters by Embitterment. Normally, highball drinks like this don’t spend too much time with bitters because the volume of water in the drink can sometimes water down lower quality bitters, diminishing the effects.
But that’s not the case with our Liquid Gold Turmeric Bitters. Sporting a powerful blend of Indian spices and herbs, this bright yellow extract harnesses the power of the monsoon winds and the Himalayas to bring you an exotic and savory flavor experience.